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A photo of an ant’s face, magnified five times under a microscope won the 2022 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition.

The photo has made a splash worldwide as the photo showed the scary side to what most people see as a harmless little ant. The award-winning photo was taken by Lithuanian photographer Eugenijus Kavaliauskas.

It shows the red eyes and golden fangs of an ant. Surprising most people.

Kavaliaskas told Insider that he lives next to a forest, which made it easier for him to capture and photograph the ant.

Asked to comment on the photo, the photographer simply replied “there are no horrors in nature”.

“I’m always looking for details, shadows, and unseen corners. The main goal of photography is to be a discoverer. I am fascinated by the Creator’s masterpieces and the opportunity to see God’s designs.”

This is not the first time that Kavaliauskas has been awarded for his photography. His photos of birds of prey caught the attention of many people, although it did not win him the title.

Luckily, he kept trying and the ant photograph has now won him the title and money that goes along with it.

Image credit: Peta Pixel

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