Search Results - Places to travel to in 2022 Stuck In Tonga For 18 Months Due To CovidWhat was meant to be a weekend away turned i... Island Bafana Bafana Plunges 7 Spots In Fifa RankingBafana Bafana has sunk further in the FIFA r... Bafana Singapore Airlines To Launch World’s New Longest FlightIf you missed flying during the COVID-19 pan... Singapore Italian Green Pass Extended To TrainsThe Italian government has now extended the ... Pass South Africa Moves To Lockdown Level 4During his address on Sunday night, Presiden... Lockdown DA Petitions Against Renaming William NicolThe Democratic Alliance has started a petiti... Nicol Roadblocks Increase Around GautengGauteng motorists can expect a massive influ... Roadblocks Mauritius Opens For South Africans AgainThe tropical island of Mauritius has announc... Mauritius World Health Organisation Identifies Sa As A Priority Country For PlagueSouth Africa is one of nine countries which ... Plague Want To Leave Gauteng? You Can If You Want To HuntWhile leisure travel into and out of Gauteng... Hunting Local Tourism Ready For British InfluxAfter being on the United Kingdom’s red la... Africa Keep Your Masks OnKeep Your Masks OnAlthough lockdown regulati... Mask Visit The Kruger And Other SanParks For Free This WeekAs South Africans, we often don’t get ... Free Triple Storms Hurtling Towards The UkTriple storms hurtling towards the UK I... Maria A Plate Of Fries For $200If you’re ordering at local South African ... Fries < 12