Home / Observatory / News / Alleged thieves burst tyres after fleeing ClearWater Mall


Alleged thieves burst the tyres of a car on boom spikes after attempting to flee ClearWater Mall.

An unknown woman is heard behind the camera as she describes the moments unfolding "They tried to cut in front of my mom, and then we realised they were stealing, and then they just went over the spikes through the boom".

What seems to be two women, were withheld shortly after going over the boom spikes and bursting the car's tyres. The ClearWater Mall security is currently holding the two woman. More details to follow.

Boom gates often have tyre spikes – or some people refer to them as a spike strips – which are triggered by a sensor when a car crashes into a boom gate, commonly in entrances and exits to shopping centres, complexes or restaurants, when a car proceeds to go over the spikes, the tyres are pierced, disabling the ability to continue driving. 

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