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South African businesswoman, Wendy Luhabe, has been receiving backlash over an apartheid tweet where some are taking it as far as comparing Wendy's tweet to Helen Zille's 'colonialism was better' tweets.

The tweet was posted on September 19th with a hashtag opening line of "#Reflections" followed by "I grew up and started my career under Apartheid and we had a much better work ethic, we were responsible for our lives understandably...these attributes have been replaced by a culture of Entitlement and dependency since we became a Democracy."

Some people commented on how Wendy's connections led to her achievements instead of hard work. "I think the problem is the lie that their success was gained from hard work as an individual's effort instead of contacts, community support, and loads of luck. Those investment deals Mam Wendy got are not as a result of hard work but her connections. I won't go further..." Pinky Khoabane tweeted.

The almost 600 comments to Wendy Luhabe's post are mostly in disagreement with Wendy's ' generalisation', we have not yet seen a reply to any of the backlash from Wendy.

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