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Risk mitigation measures are currently being implemented to avoid disruption in the supply of jet fuel to OR Tambo International Airport.

This is because the National Petroleum Refiners of South Africa (NATREF) suffered a fire at their refinery on 4 January. The Airport Company of South Africa said that it was informed of the risk mitigation measures by the Fuels Industry Association of South Africa (FIASA).

Because the refinery is only expected to be back online by 21 February, Acsa released a statement for the broader South African fuel industry.

ACSA reassured airlines that it has sufficient jet fuel reserves to ensure availability at OR Tambo International until 20 January.

According to ACSA’s statement, a delivery of 17,000 m3 of jet fuel was expected to arrive at OR Tambo International on Sunday. A planned pipeline injection of 31 000 m3 from Durban is also scheduled for Tuesday 14 January, with delivery at OR Tambo International expected by 27 January.

Deliveries of jet fuel via the rail system are also being prioritized with Durban and Matola In Mozambique already sourcing and transporting jet fuel.

ACSA said it’ll continue to closely monitor the situation and will provide an update on the jet fuel shortage at OR Tambo International on Tuesday 14 January.

Image credit: Simple Flying

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