Search Results - Covid vaccine south africa Minimum Wage Increase For Domestic WorkersFrom 1 March, 2021, the national minimum wag... Wage South Africa Moves To Lockdown Level 4During his address on Sunday night, Presiden... Lockdown South Africa’s Black Friday Spending IncreasedCompared to last year, South Africans welcom... Friday Telkom Is Launching A R250-million Fund For Adults To Learn To CodeTelkom will invest R250-million over the nex... Said Netflix Donates R8.3 Million To Local Film And TV Relief FundIf you’re working in the South African... Netflix World Health Organisation Identifies Sa As A Priority Country For PlagueSouth Africa is one of nine countries which ... Plague Five Human Cases Of Rabies Confirmed In Sa Since December '17The National Institute of Communicable Disea... Rabies Uber Connect Launches In SAWant to send a package to someone and have i... Uber Boxed Wine For The WinFor the first time ever in South Africa, box... Wine Team SA Athletes To Be Vaccinated Ahead Of Olympic GamesAthletes, who will be participating at the O... Games The Post Office Is Back In BusinessThe South African Post Office has confirmed ... Post Latest On The Black Death – The Worst Outbreak In 50 YearsMadagascar is currently facing the worst out... Plague Video: Miss South Africa Crowned As The Miss Universe QueenSouth Africas own beauty queen, Demi-Leigh N... Miss Rabada Leads The Proteas To Victory – Receives A Two Match BanKagiso Rabada put South Africa in the lead b... Wickets Mrs Sa Airlifted From Mount Everest With Altitude SicknessMrs South Africa, Nicole Capper, was airlift... South Ford Kuga Payments FinalisedMost of the owners whose Ford Kuga cars caug... Kuga Jameson Whiskey Launches Skincare BrandThey’ve been making whiskey for 243 years,... Jameson Fast-Food Industry Hit By Potato ShortageFast-food outlets in some countries have bee... Shortage SA’s New Workplace Code Of Conduct IntroducedAfter spending two years working from home, ... Code P!nk Teams Up With Ndlovu Youth ChoirThey have made a name for themselves after p... Choir The IEC Has Confirmed Voter Registration Weekend For 17 And 18 JulyAs South Africa moves towards its municipal ... Registration KZN Makes Time Magazine's List Of World's Greatest Places 2021Described as a place with surfable beaches a... List North Korea Threatens With Hard Labour If Covid Rules Are BrokenNorth Korea Threatens With Hard Labour If Co... Korea Man Tries To Get Vaccination In Prosthetic ArmAn Italian man in his 50s tried to get a vac... Vaccination < 56789 >