Search Results - Giant squid Squid Game Reality Series Contestants File LawsuitFirst, there was the fictional Netflix serie... Squid First Ever Footage Of Giant Squid Hunting His 2,500 Feet Below The Gulf Of MexicoThe mystery of the creatures below the surfa... Squid Scientists Caught Elusive Ram's Horn Squid In Deep SeaIt is not easy for scientists to capture som... Squid Two Giant Panda Cubs Born in FranceHuan Huan, a Giant Panda has given birth to ... Panda Indonesians Eat Giant Python After Man Defeats The ReptileA giant python (about 7.8 metres long) lost ... Python Oldest Sperm Discovered In Amber Is Known To Be 100-Million-Years-OldThe oldest sperm thus far has been discovere... Sperm The Star Of Bethlehem Will Light Up SA Skies On The 21stSouth Africans can prepare to witness a cele... Saturn The World Turns Its Back On RussiaFrom online video channels to television sta... Russia Ancient Squid Creatures With Paperclip Shell Lived Over 200 YearsThe ancient squid-like creature which existe... Ancient Google To Build $1 Billion Office In LondonA new office building in London is a big bet... Google Scientists Discover Giant Shark That Uses Bioluminescence As CamouflageOver the past few decades, scientists have o... Shark Mars Fanatic Elon Musk Trolled With Giant Billboard Ahead Of Earth DayOn 22 April, we celebrate our gorgeous and m... Mars Harvard's Head Of Astronomy Believes Aliens Contacted Earth in 2017Back in 2017, a bizarre blunt shaped object ... Object 3-Year-Old Gets Caught In Kite And Lifted Into The SkyA shocking video shows a 3-year-old girl bei... Girl 1