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Making sure your kids are on time for school every morning is quite the challenge. Besides getting yourself ready, you have to get them ready, make sure everything is packed and then face the traffic on your way to the school.

Once there, you have to hope that you make it before the school gate is closed. Otherwise your kid misses a day of school or you have to sign them in at the office and face the disapproving look from the teacher.

Well, that’s sort of the norm around the world. Parents in Avignon, France have decided otherwise though.

A local school has been forced to put up a sign asking parents not to throw their kids over the school fence if they’re late. This follows several incidents where parents were too late to drop their kids off and the school gate was closed already.

Instead of signing them in, they simply threw their kids over the 2-meter-high fence and wished them well. This has become such a problem that the sign asks parents not to throw their kids over the fence, but rather bring them back two hours later when the gate will open again for all the late comers.

Unusually high walls in France aren’t strange. Over the years the French government has built 2-meter-high walls around most schools to combat terrorist attacks.

Image credit: France24

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