Home / News & media website / Entertainment / Hurricane Ida Destroys ‘General Lee’ Car From Dukes Of Hazzard Movie


Sixteen years after Hurricane Katrina left the state of Louisiana in tatters, Hurricane Ida swept through and created havoc.

Ida has been classified as the fifth most powerful hurricane to ever strike the United States, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Actor John Schneider, who played Bo in the TV series version of The Dukes of Hazzard posted a photo of the damaged car on his social media accounts.

On his Facebook post, the 61-year-old captioned the photo with the following: “When something like this happens you have two choices. Tears and laughter. I choose laughter.”

Schneider went on to say that the particular model featured in the photo was used for stunts. It was also used in the film Christmas Cars.

Reuters reports that once the hurricane came ashore in southern Louisiana, where Schneider lives and has his film studio, more than one million people lost power and another 600,000 were without water. At least nine deaths were reported in the state and a further 46 were killed in the Northeast.

The Dukes of Hazzard series aired in the 1980s and General Lee became a popular icon of the series. In 2005, Warner Bros. Pictures made a movie based on the original series. The movie starred Johnny Knoxville, Seann William Scott and Jessica Simpson.

Image credit:  People   

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