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As we welcome the festive season with open arms, there are still some things we have to prepare before Christmas day arrives. One of those items on the to-do-list is putting up the festive Christmas tree.

Well, as Christmas only comes once a year, not everyone feels the need to buy a Christmas tree that will only be burried in the closet or basement somewhere, gathering a ton of dust for you to dust off and activate your allergies.

Although it is nice seeing the traditional Christmas tree set up and ready in a nice spot in your house somewhere, there are also many other ways to make your own Christmas tree for the season.

You can even get your family and kids to help out on the DIY Christmas tree project, and spend some time with them. This project could also be a good way of recycling all the unwanted stuff in your home by using it for a brand new tree, and making it a reusable decorative Christmas tree.

Number One: Putting the empty beer bottles to use


Making Your Own Festive Christmas Tree At Home 2

Start saving all the empty beer and ciders bottles that are being thrown away at the weekend get togethers – they can come in handy when you need an easy set up tree.

Depending on the size of the tree that you desire, save as many bottles. For instruction purposes, save 21 bottles in total. You can spraypaint the bottles any colour of your chosing or even keep the original colour of the bottle. Start by placing six bottles next to each other for your base. Easily stick the bottles together by using super glue or any other glue which will do the job on glass (Sticking the bottles together will make for a more stable structure at the end). Place five bottles on top of the original six, and stick them together. Then place four bottles on top of the five bottle stack and stick them together. Follow this method until you place the last bottle on top.

For decorations, add some Christmas lights around your structure. You can also get creative with your decorations.


Number Two: We Are Not Planking Around On Christmas

Do you have some extra planks of wood laying around? Or maybe one of your friends or family members have some extra planks they're looking to throw out?

Depending on the size of the tree you want, and the amount of planks you have, cut six or more planks in different sizes which will make up the shape of a tree. Leave one plank in its full length when placed vertical – This plank will be the height of your tree. Start by glueing or screwing the longest plank (Bottom of your tree) to the plank placed vertical. Add the second longest plank a but further to the the top. Do this until you placed the last and smallest plank to the top part of the vertical tree. Add decorations as needed.



Number Three: The Bookworm

If you are a collector of hard copy books and have a ton laying around, you are already one step closer to creating your own easy christmas tree. Don’t worry, your books will be fine.

Start by gathering as many books as you can, again, depending on the size you would like your tree to be. Start by stacking the bottom of the tree against a wall or, in this example, the edges of the bookcase. The bottom part shoud be packed as wide as can with the amount of books you have. Then pack the second row on top, making it a little shorter in length. Continue to stack your rows on top of each other, making each row that follows smaller than the one below.


The second method is to keep your books on your bookshelf, and just shaping the books into a tree.

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