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Shots Fired At Capetown Airport 2

Shots Fired At Capetown Airport 3

Shots Fired At Capetown Airport 4

The Police rushed to the Cape Town International Airport in South Africa after several shots were fired at 5 am on Wednesday morning.

While the nature of the shooting hasn't been confirmed, the shots were aimed at Jerome Booysen, who is allegedly the leader of a gang called Sexy Boys. The incident occurred in the drop-off section of the airport, injuring Jerome Booysen and another 30-year-old bystander. Both the victims were rushed to the hospital to be treated. The shooters were seen in a BMW and a white sedan that sped off before witnesses could identify the number plates.

This is not the first incident of its kind for Booysen. Attackers opened fire on his car last month at his home in Belville but Booysen literally dodged a bullet. However, he wasn't as lucky the previous time when he was shot twice in May.

It's business as usual at Cape Town International and all that's left of the incident is a small pool of blood on the floor of the departure terminal and bullet holes in the glass door. Many speculate that this is a retaliation attack from a shooting that took place at a nightclub last week as a result of turf wars between several gangs. 

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