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Third earthquake to shake Indonesia, this time in Lombok, in less than a month.

The people of Lombok are finding themselves in the middle of yet another 7.0 magnitude earthquake as the already damaged buildings are once again being shaken.

While the island is currently recovering from the previous 6.9 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks that are said to have not stopped, another quake has rocked the island, this time causing a landslide in the Belanting Village, East of Lombok. This earthquake was also felt on the neighbouring island of Bali where residents and visitors were woken from their sleep.

Already damaged buildings had no chance in standing erect the second time around. Houses and buildings including the community hall came toppling down. So far there have been no reports of injuries or fatalities, however, Lombok has suffered more than 5 trillion rupiahs ( $342 million) in damages following the August 5th earthquake. Unfortunately, the 4500sq km island is prone to earthquakes because it lies on the 'Ring of Fire', which is a line of frequent quakes and volcanic eruptions that circle the entire Pacific Rim.

The power in Lombok is currently out, and residents are fearful of aftershocks whilst they wait for daylight to arrive.

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