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Video: Eff Causes Chaos Outside An Afrikaans Highschool 2

Video: Eff Causes Chaos Outside An Afrikaans Highschool 3

Hoerskool Overvaal, Vereeniging was flooded with EFF members protesting against the school admitting only Afrikaans speaking pupils. The school was taken to court by the Gauteng Education Department in an effort to force them to admit 55 English speaking pupils, which was overruled by Judge Prinsloo as an unlawful request. Parents then attempted to submit their Afrikaans speaking children to the school thereafter causing an uproar among EFF members, labelling the school as racist.

Although private security hired by the school surrounded the protesters, the EFF members lashed out and assaulted parents who were dropping off their children on the first day of school. The EFF claims that they are unhappy at the slow rate that the Department of Education is transforming schools into a post-apartheid structure. The protest was aimed at forcing the school to admit black students and transform English into the medium of instruction. They are objecting to the fact that the majority of the children attending the school are white.

As police arrived at the scene to ensure the protesters didn't enter the premises of the school, the EFF members began to burn tires and became increasingly violent. Police fired rubber bullets to disperse the crowd, injuring protesters, and have made a handful of arrests on the scene.

Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, claimed that she did not agree with the methods that the EFF chose to voice their grievances and said that any problems should be reported through the relevant channels without ensuing violence.

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