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Youtuber, Brodie Moss, had yet another terrifying encounter with a deadly sea snake. This time, it swam right up to him while he was riding a jet ski in the middle of the ocean.

Moss was on the watercraft with his dog Stryda when the long water snake suddenly approached them.

Sea snakes are known to be front-fanged serpents that live in warm coastal waters in the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. These venomous sea creatures come up to the surface from time to time to breathe.

Moss revealed his recent encounter with a snake on his TikTok account. "He's huge," Moss exclaimed as the snake came up the jet ski in the footage. He then called his dog away from the coral reef serpent to ensure that his furry friend did not get bitten by the dangerous reptile.

YouTuber Reveals Incredible Moments With Deadly Sea Snakes 2

"How are you going, my name's Brodie. Very nice to meet you," he greeted the snake.

"Woah, that is huge sea snake my friends, massive sea snake."

Sea snakes, also known as coral reef snakes, spend most of their time in the water. There are 60 species from two subfamilies. The "true sea snakes" are related to Australian snakes, while "sea kraits" are related to Asian cobras. 

Most species live in waters less than 30 metres deep and dive to the seafloor to eat from coral reefs and mangroves. They breathe from their skin but must take in oxygen from the surface of the ocean.

Sea snake venom is the most potent of all serpents. However, human fatalities are still rare and very low because sea snakes are usually not aggressive and do not attack quickly. 

Most adults are 1 to 1.5 metres and can grow up to 2.7 metres in length. 

Watch one of Moss' encounters with a dangerous sea snake in the video below. Scroll to 9:25 minutes into the video to see the sea snake encounter.

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