Search Results - First dog major Video: Confirmed: Khloe Kardashian Is Pregnant!Multiple sources have confirmed to E! News t... Khloe Robert Mugabe Has Still Not ResignedRobert Mugabe may be about to be forced from... Mugabe Best Celeb Transformations Of The WeekWe couldnt help but notice some of our favou... Celeb Harry Potter Star Jessie Cave Gives Birth To Her Third ChildHarry Potter star, Jessie Cave, who portraye... Child Some Of The Best Photos Taken By The International Space StationHave you ever wondered what it would be like... Space Fans Go Wild As Kylie Jenner Rates McDonald'sKylie Jenner recently took to Instagram Stor... Kylie Woman Who Caused Tour De France Crash Has Been ArrestedAn investigation led to the arrest of a woma... Woman Biden To Meet With Pope FrancisUS President Joe Biden is set to meet with P... Biden You Can Now Order An Entire Fish At Ocean Basket, Eyes And AllIf you want to get a taste of what an entire... Ocean Twitter-users Might Get Excited About The New 280-character Tweet Limit!!Twitter announced a new test project allowin... Twitter Video: Miss South Africa Crowned As The Miss Universe QueenSouth Africas own beauty queen, Demi-Leigh N... Miss Megan Scott Is The Richest Woman In The WorldYou might now know her name, but you will de... Richest Blake Shelton And Gwen Stefani Finally Announce Their EngagementFans favourite famous couple, Blake She... Shelton Cape Epic PostponedThe Absa Cape Epic has been postponed to lat... Epic Was Bella Hadid The Inspiration For 'Plastic Surgery' Face In The Weeknd's Music Video?This week, US singer, The Weeknd, shocked hi... Bella Barclays Absa Cut Ties With Embattled KpmgBarclays Africa Group Limited (BAGL) board h... Kpmg Jewellery Store In Cradlestone Mall RobbedA security guard has been wounded after a Br... Cradlestone Most Expensive Parking Space In The World Sold For $1.3 MillionWhile its no secret that Hong Kong is one of... Parking Barakat Is South Africa’s Oscar EntryEvery year, the American Motion Picture Asso... Barakat Massive Diamond Price HikeThere’s no doubt that this massive price i... Diamond Video: Liverpool - Most Free-kick Goals RecordOver the past weekend, Coutinho reminded all... Free-kick SA's Schoenmaker Breaks Olympic Record In Qualifying RoundHer plan was to qualify for Mondays semi-fin... Schoenmaker Haiti's President AssassinatedPresident Jovenel Moise was assassinated dur... President US Starts Vaccinating Children Aged 5 To 11United States health authorities gave the th... Children < 45678 >