Search Results - communication technology department Health Department Adamant To Go Ahead With NHIThe health department has made it clear that... Health Fake ‘Tembisa 10’ Article Nominated For Global AwardThe South African National Editors’ Forum ... Health R6 Million Paid For Computers That Never ArrivedIn 2014, the City of Johannesburg forked out... City National Government Gets Blamed For The #watercrisis In The Western CapeWesten Cape Premier, Helen Zille, has used h... Water How Smart Technology Can Threaten Your Business's SecurityThe Internet of Things (IoT) uses the powerf... Security Video: Uber Self-driving Technology Claims Its First Pedestrian LifeOn Sunday, March 21st, Elaine Herzberg was k... Technology Experts Says It's Still Decades Until Fully Automated CarsExperts explain that even though many new ve... Vehicles Technology Seeks To Preserve Fading Skills: Braille LiteracyThe National Braille Press is turning 90 thi... Braille South Africa's Id Book Might Be Discontinued In 2018South Africas Department of Home Affairs on ... Book Ajay Gupta A Fugitive As His Co-accused Are Granted BailAs Ajay Gupta failed to hand himself over to... Gupta South African Teachers Worried About Second Wave Of Covid-19South African school teachers are worried ab... Second SABC Wants You To Pay For a TV Licence Even If You Don’t Own a TVThe Department of Communications has propose... Sabc SA Permanent Residency Permit Applications Accepted AgainAfter 22 months of not accepting any permane... Department Gender Reveal Party Leads To Huge California WildfireA California wildfire, that started on Satur... Fire SA’s New Workplace Code Of Conduct IntroducedAfter spending two years working from home, ... Code Mystery Surrounding The Tembisa 10 UnfoldingWhile the birth of 10 babies made local and ... Babies Sa's Mysterious Listeriosis Death Toll DoublesThe origin of the outbreak in South Africa r... Outbreak Feline Takes Death Leap From Fifth Floor Of Burning Building And Casually Walks OffA cat made a death leap to safety after an a... Fire Matric Final Exams Moved Forward Because Of ElectionsThe Department of Basic Education has announ... Matric Us Second-quarter Economic Growth Revised Higher & Jobless Claims RiseThe US economy had faster growth than previo... Growth Video: Reiger Park High School Faced With Threats After Principal Sexually Assaults StudentsYet another case of sexual assault and misco... Sexual No petrol price increase but diesel, paraffin and gas go upAlthough government is keeping the petrol pr... Price Matric Exam Dates FinalisedThe Department of Basic Education has finall... Schools Drunk Driver Crashes Into Roadblock Killing Two Jmpd OfficersOn Monday evening a drunk driver was arreste... Officers 1234 >