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There’s a new player in the sky and, with the holidays around the corner, South Africa’s newest airline couldn’t have asked for a better launch date.

After asking the public to suggest names for the new airline, it has been announced that the airline will be called Lift.

IOL reports that Lift is a partnership between established operator Global Aviation, Kulula founder, Gidon Novick, and former Uber executive, Jonathan Ayache.

Novick told IOL that they received more than 25,000 name suggestions.

"We had so much fun going through the entries. Some were so thoughtful and inspiring, like 'Ubuntu Air' and 'FlyMzansi'. 'Djyrynie' and 'Planey McPlaneface' were never going to fly, while 'Gravy Plane' must have confused us with another airline!"

The Lift team decided on the name and made contact with the eight people that suggested the name. The winning name would have meant the person who suggested it won a year’s flights on the airline, but since there were eight of them, they all agreed to receive their portion of a year’s flights.

When the first Lift plane takes off in December, the names of the eight winners will be inscribed on its body.

With SAA facing another bailout from the government and Kulula only allowed to take to the air in the next few weeks, Lift’s timing should pay off.

Image credit: The South African

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