Search Results - Cape Town Cycle Tour Video: Checkout This Incredible Mars City The Uae Is Building For Training.Dubai is definitely not known for doing thin... Mars Video: The Brutal Malmesbury Mosque AttackRamadan came to a bitterly shocking end as a... Attack Woman In Durham (Canada) Calls Police In Durham (England) And Gets Rescued From IntruderThe town of Durham in England came under the... Durham Henri Van Breda Back In CourtVan Breda claims an intruder murdered his pa... Court Papua New Guinea: Deathly Earthquake Flattens VillagesWhole villages were flattened and water sour... Papua Stock Up On Booze, South Africa, The World Might Soon Face A Wine DroughtWith the festive season right around the cor... Wine Blue Whale Found Dead Off The Coast Of NamibiaLocal tour operators discovered a blue whale... Whale Plastic Gets A Second Chance At Eerste River SchoolIn Cape Town, at the Axios School of Skills ... School Cape Town Woman Kidnapped After Being Pulled Over By Traffic CopsAfter being pulled over by an unidentif... Traffic Chris Rock Ticket Sales SoarThey say no publicity is bad publicity and i... Rock #LightSARed Painted The Town (And Country) RedFrom Table Mountain in Cape Town and the Hil... South New Miss SA CrownedIt’s official, Lalela Mswane is the new Mi... Mswane Graeme Smith Accused Of RacismFormer South African cricket captain Graeme ... Smith SA’s Looted Blue Couch Is On Tour And For SaleDuring the July unrests, lives were lost, so... Couch 3-Year-Old Gets Caught In Kite And Lifted Into The SkyA shocking video shows a 3-year-old girl bei... Girl SABC Launches 24-Hour Sports ChannelFollowing its soft launch in April, the publ... Channel Cliff Collapses In Brazil, Seven People DeadSo far seven people have been reported dead,... Cliff Telkom Is Launching A R250-million Fund For Adults To Learn To CodeTelkom will invest R250-million over the nex... Said Man Who Slapped French President JailedDamien Tarel, the man who slapped French Pre... President World's Tallest Sandcastle Built In DenmarkStanding at just over 21 metres high, its cl... Sandcastle < 12345