Search Results - Energy Minister Jeff Radebe Most Of England's Lockdown Restrictions To Ease On Freedom DayNo face masks, mass gatherings and going bac... England Taxi Drivers Allowed To Claim Once-off Covid ReliefTransport Minister Fikile Mbalula has said t... Taxi Diesel And Petrol Prices To Reach Record HighsBrace yourself, South Africa. We’re about ... Prices Megan Scott Is The Richest Woman In The WorldYou might now know her name, but you will de... Richest 39 Dead After Fires Ravage Portugal And SpainAt least 36 people have been killed after wi... After Death Threats Against Malema Under InvestigationAllegations about a plot to assassinate Juli... Threats Record-breaking Number Of Covid Cases In Tokyo Since Start Of OlympicsAuthorities in Tokyo have announced a record... Tokyo Theorists Shares Photos Where NASA's SOHO Project Captures Cube-Like UFOA huge cube like object was spotted in the n... Sun William Shatner Now Oldest Man In SpaceAs an actor in Star Trek during the 1960s, W... Space SABC Wants You To Pay For a TV Licence Even If You Don’t Own a TVThe Department of Communications has propose... Sabc SA's Matric Mid-Year Exams CancelledThe mid-year exams for South Africas Grade 1... Exams Truckers Protest In CanadaCanadian truck drivers drove cross country i... Truckers Dutch Bridge Could Be Dismantled To Let Bezos’ Yacht ThroughA historic bridge in the Dutch city of Rotte... Bridge The Military Is Making 'significant Progress' In Talks With President MugabeAs the military pursues to arrest allies of ... Mugabe Ramaphosa Expected To Address The Nation About Rising COVID numbersAfter the number of COVID-19 cases has incre... South Tatjana Schoenmaker Gets Olympic BonusIt seems as if an Olympic gold medal isn’t... Medal Two Police Officers And A Bystander Killed In Belgium By Suspected Islamist-linked TerroristAn attacker, who was on a police watchlist f... Police Cher Meets 'World's Loneliest Elephant' In Pakistan Zoo And Secures His Trip To New SanctuaryThe worlds loneliest elephant, known as Kaav... Kaavan Dutch Princess Turns Down Annual Tax-Free SalaryShe is the heir to the Dutch throne, but Pri... Princess UK To Cut Beer TaxIn a bid to help struggling British pubs rec... Beer The Gaming Industry Is No Child's PlayIf you are thinking about becoming a full-ti... Gaming Video: Gupta And Colleagues Arrested After RaidThe oldest brother, Ajay, from the controver... South Video: Brexit Has Officially Been Passed As A Law From 2019After months of debate around the possibilit... Brexit Ramaphosa Among First To Get VaccinatedHistory has been made as the first COIVD-19 ... Vaccine < 1234 >