Original Picasso To Be Sold In SAThinking of adding something to your kids’... Fire Station In Germany Burns DownA brand-new fire station in Germany has burn... Fire Cuba Left Without ElectricityMillions of people were left without electri... Trump Works Behind McDonald’s CounterDuring the final weeks of campaigning, Repub... King Charles Heckled By Aus SenatorDuring his official visit to Australia, King... Harrods Faces More Than 250 Mohamed Al Fayed ClaimsFour weeks ago, a documentary was released b... Fayed SA Asks Taiwan To Close Embassy In PretoriaSouth African Foreign Minister Ronald Lamola... Taiwan Elon Musk Gives Away $1 Million a DayHe’s made a promise and he’s sticking to... Musk Prada Designs First Female SpacesuitThe first woman to land on the moon might so... WhatsApp To Launch New ChangesUpdates to apps have become part of our ever... Marriage Law Changes AheadIf you’re about to propose or get married,... Marriage Gauteng May Run Out Of Water SoonIf municipalities don’t act soon, Gauteng ... Woman Killed By Special BedA British woman has died after a malfunction... Fisher-Price Recalls 2 Million Infant SwingsSuffocation has been the reason why Fisher-P... Get Matching Crocs For You And Your DogsLove Crocs? Love your dog? You’re about to... Tito Mboweni DiesFormer Reserve Bank Governor, Tito Mboweni h... Nadal Announces RetirementTennis legend Rafael Nadal has announced his... Pastor Ray McCauley DiesThe founder of the Rhema Bible Church, Ray M... Dry, Hot Summer Predicted For SAGet ready, this summer is going to be a scor... Superbalist To Retrench 30% Of Its StaffEmployees at local online fashion retailer, ... Legal Drinking Age To Be Changed To 21If government gets its way, the legal age of... Alcohol Doctor Removes Liver Instead Of Spleen, Patient DiesA doctor based in the United States has been... World War Two Bombs Explodes On Japanese RunwayOnly 60 seconds after a plane used a runway ... Geomagnetic Storm To Hit SA This WeekendExpect some disruption in communications and... < 23456 >